The great performers have something to teach aspiring actors and actually all people. They value their unique self expression and treat it as a huge asset leading to love of who they become when they create. If we all treat our self expression as something great….we will want to use it to create great things!

Life is a performance…the world is YOUR stage, and YOU are the leading player. Leading players don’t play for free so make sure you get paid, and I don’t just mean monetarily. When you do something demand a return value for it whether in the form of personal development, charity work, OR often money.

Use this concept to create a RICH life in every aspect… because money isn’t Everything but sure does help.

I am on the production team of an actor run theater company which started 7 years  ago when I was only a teen. Since then we have produced 22 musicals, with 800 actors, and even been able to donate $51,000 to charity. We started A Thousand Spotlights to share what we have learned and give artists the knowledge and courage to perform in their OWN voice. Join the rising, take in the online materials, and if you can join us in our Summer Experience where you live as a Broadway actor!